Saturday, February 6, 2010

Gift from the Sea

Lately, I've been eyeing for some books to read. I browsed all my books and found this one, authored by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. There is something about the book. I'd say, it's more of a sleep-enhancer. Its not that it's boring but the power of every words; very meditative and it goes beyond my soul. :) Reading "Gift From the Sea" is a good thing to do before sleeping. I read every pages while lying on my bed---this has become my habit. The contents relax my mind which absolutely is the reason why I always woke up at the right side of the bed. Having a glance to each pages every night, gives me a Good Night Sleep and at the same time, a blithely morning the next day... I love the effect of the book to me. Meditating while reading is a good combination!

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