Friday, October 1, 2010

Quarter to two in the morning, I can hear the pouring rain outside. I'm reading cases as usual. Not so sure when ti's going to end but one thing I'm sure of, I want to sleep now. This cold weather is very conducive for sleeping. Always dreaming awake: hugging pillows and closing my eyes for an unending hours. Oh God! It's Saturday. Good for others, as their weekend is about to start but not on my case. I still have to deal with academic matters later because I have three law subjects today and I'm pretty sure that I'll be home when the moon and the stars are only those which are visible in the sky. :( Then, Sunday. That is when my weekend starts and at the same time, ends. The week after, our final examination! I'm still sticking to my everyday mantra, "Worry never!" How I wish, I could still invoke this chant in my head.

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